“The Women’s March claims to stand for ‘ending violence’ yet supports the violence of abortion and ignores the convictions of more than half of all women who believe that women in the womb are important, too,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins.
MEDIA ADVISORY: SFLA team members available for interview at events in Washington D.C. and nationwide as Women take a stand for the Rights of All Women and against a Predatory Abortion Industry.
Kristan Hawkins available in El Paso, Texas.
WASHINGTON D.C. (01-17-2020): Students for Life of America will march for the rights of all women – born and preborn –crashing the Women’s March Saturday in the nation’s capital. Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins noted that the SFLA team will be there to round out the Women’s March messaging. “The Women’s March claims to stand for ‘ending violence’ yet supports the violence of abortion and ignores the convictions of more than half of all women who believe that women in the womb are important, too,” said Hawkins.
“As Gallup reports, more than half of women consider themselves pro-life compared to 46 percent of men. And we know that that for those who make abortion the issue that decides their vote, the pro-life position provides more passion and votes. Yet, at the Women’s March and in much of mainstream media, women like myself are ignored and our voices too often silenced. But this weekend and in this election cycle, the Pro-Life Generation will make our voices heard.”
TO INTERVIEW SFLA’S PRO-WOMAN/PRO-LIFE TEAM IN WASHINGTON D.C. ON SATURDAY look for them at H & 17th N.W. or H & 15th N.W. beginning at 8:30 a.m. ET or e-mail Kristi at [email protected].
The Women’s March in Washington D.C. takes place as states across the country hold Pro-Life marches in advance of the Friday, January 24th annual National Pro-Life March and the Historic Pro-Life Summit sponsored by SFLA and others partners in Washington D.C. on Saturday, January 25th.
MEDIA ADVISORY: Hawkins will be available for interview from El Paso, Texas, where she is participating in the Save the Storks Borderland National Pro-Life March and events as a speaker and featured guest from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Central at Houston Park.
Following marches in Chicago and Denver earlier this month in which SFLA already participated, SFLA team members will march with Students for Life leaders and speak at in a number of events on Saturday across the country, including the Northwest Walk for Life, Lincoln National Pro-Life March, Arizona Walk for Life, Borderline Walk for Life, San Diego Walk for Life, North Carolina National Pro-Life March and the St. Augustine National Pro-Life March.
After next week’s National Pro-Life March in the nation’s capital, on January 25th, SFLA student leaders will be at the Walk for Life West Coast and the Texas Rally for Life.
SFLA will also be engaged in the Midwest National Pro-Life March (Jefferson City, MO) on 2/1, the Virginia National Pro-Life March on 2/1, and the Maryland National Pro-Life March 2/24.
For interviews and analysis, contact Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].
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