Planned Parenthood’s repulsive Christmas gift to the country every year is the release of their annual report, which is always full of data points that conflict with their tired rhetoric. This year, among MANY other compelling points, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood lost almost half a million individual donors last year.
Jim Sedlak of American Life Leage (ALL) noted, “Apparently, as the true abortion focus of the organization became more and more apparent, not only did Wen leave, but 400,000 individual donors to Planned Parenthood stopped giving. That exodus resulted in Planned Parenthood reporting a $39.5 million drop in donations and a $26.5 million drop in total income—despite the fact that its taxpayer income increased by $53 million.”
More Factoids From the Annual Report
- Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows a decrease in healthcare services, while abortions have increased.
- Abortions have increased from the last report from 332,757 to 345,672 (4% increase).
- They committed 81 abortions for every adoption referral.
- They committed 35 abortions for every prenatal care service provided.
- Since 2010, prenatal care services have dropped 68% .
- Cancer screenings have decreased from 614, 361 to 566,186, an 8% decrease.
Pap tests have decreased from 274,145 to 255,682 a 7% decrease (they perform .3% of all pap tests in the United States).
Planned Parenthood claims a network of 13,000,000 supporters, but only 30,000 have taken an action, meaning less than 1% of their “supporters” are actually engaged.
- Planned Parenthood affiliates diagnosed 240,384 STIs, but only treated 43,000. This means that Planned Parenthood fails to treat 84% of STIs it diagnoses.
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