Students for Life of America, CEC for Life, Radiance Foundation, 40 Days for Life, and other national and local pro-life groups rallied today on the front steps of the Capitol Building in Montgomery, Alabama to show their support for the Human Life Protection Act. The Pro-Life, Pro-Woman rally featured members of the Pro-Life Generation, local pro-life activists, and people who were both survivors of rape and were conceived in rape.
For example, profiled Nancy Kelly, one of the speakers; “Nancy Kelly said she conceived twins as the result of a rape. Though she had already had two abortions, she decided to carry the children to term, and her two daughters graduated from high school this week.”
Ryan Bomberger, the founder of Radiance Foundation, who was conceived in rape and grew up in a large adopted family, shared his own story and criticized people who tried to paint the Alabama pro-life law as a racial issue, noting that black babies are targeted for abortion.
A pro-abortion activist was arrested for yelling obscenities and trying to disrupt the rally. Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, noted, “I couldn’t have planted a better protester if I wanted to – an old, angry white man yelling at women and minorities,” she said. “It’s men who benefit from abortion because they can use our bodies however they want, and then they can just tell us to go get it taken care of.”
During her speech, Hawkins also said, “No woman needs to have an abortion. We can help her. We can serve her. I think it’s the very opposite of the message you’re hearing right now in the national media that women have to have abortions. Frankly it’s a very anti-woman message, a very anti-empowerment message. We want to be here to empower her. To tell her that she has options. She has a choice and you never have to make that false choice between your life and your education, or your career and the life of a child.”
Students for Life of America sees the Alabama law as an important step in preparing for a post-Roe America.
To learn more how Students for Life is creating a post-Roe America, check out Kristan Hawkins’ podcast below:
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