Mary-Grace Byers grew up in Sacramento, California and is currently a junior at Franciscan University of Steubenville studying Humanities and Catholic Culture with a double minor in Communication Arts and Human Life Studies.
She became involved in the pro-life movement at a young age, praying at the local abortion facility regularly and attending the annual Walk for Life in San Francisco with her family and friends. She also served as a secretary for her school’s pro-life club “Preciosa Vida” in junior high.
As a freshman in college, Mary-Grace was able to attend the National Pro-Life March at the nation’s capital with her school, and shortly afterward, became involved with the Susan B. Anthony List club on campus, traveling with them on several canvassing deployments throughout the East Coast. Although she has always been passionately pro-life, she felt convicted to do more for the cause after watching Students for Life’s abortion procedure videos in her Embryology class during her sophomore year. After witnessing the horror of abortion, she was more convinced than ever that abortion is the greatest human rights violation of our time and knew she was called to work in the pro-life movement.
Mary-Grace currently resides in Steubenville, Ohio and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Students for Life’s Mid-Atlantic Intern. This work includes traveling to schools throughout Pennsylvania to host displays and tours, training students and providing them with resources, and collaborating with dioceses to promote the pro-life message to the youth.
Mary-Grace can be contacted at [email protected].