
Mary Briganti

Director of Leadership Initiatives
[email protected]

Mary Briganti is from Omaha, Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication and a minor in Nonprofit Management.

She became passionately pro-life her freshman year in college when she revived Mavericks Students for Life on her campus. 

Mary’s involvement with SFLA started in 2015 with the revival of her campus’s Students for Life group and carried throughout her college career. She was president of her group for three years, frequently volunteering at pregnancy centers in her free time. She transitioned out of the group to become Executive Assistant of the local Right to Life chapter, Nebraskans Embracing Life, in 2018. She is a 2017-2018 SFLA Wilberforce Fellow and eagerly joined the Students for Life of America Programs Team full-time in May of 2019. 

Mary currently resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Director of Leadership Initiatives. This work includes creating and managing new and existing leadership opportunities for SFLA, including the National Leaders Collective.

Mary can be reached at [email protected]

Mary’s Media Appearances: 

Students for Life YouTube: Fall 2019 Plans Announcement
Students for Life Blog: BREAKING NEWS: Abortion Supporter Arrested at Washington D.C. Women’s March for Harassing Pro-Lifers & Blocking Free Speech