Kaitlyn Ruch is a dedicated student at Carroll College, a passionate advocate for the Pro-Life cause, and a proud adoptee.
Her journey as a pro-life activist began at the age of 16, when she bravely testified before the Montana Legislature. Since then, Kaitlyn has tirelessly championed the protection of life through various forms of activism, even venturing into politics by running for office.
Notably, Kaitlyn gained recognition for her advocacy efforts as she was prominently featured in the Snapchat Original Docuseries, “Run for Office.” She has been a featured guest on Kristan Hawkins’ “Explicitly Pro-Life Podcast” and was honored as the inaugural Students for Life Action “Activist of the Month”.
Kaitlyn’s mission is to continue working within the pro-life movement, striving to safeguard the sanctity of Life in the eyes of the law from the moment of conception to natural death.
When she’s not passionately advocating for her cause, you can typically find Kaitlyn at her favorite restaurant, Shellie’s Country Cafe, dancing and listening to music, or spending time with her fiancé, Brandon.
Kaitlyn can be reached at [email protected].