A woman smiles at the camera.

Jordan Estabrook

Press Specialist & Online Editor
[email protected]

Jordan Estabrook, a native of Lansing, Michigan, graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a communications degree specializing in public relations. During her sophomore year in college, Jordan, who grew up in a Christian household, delved deeper into religion and moral issues. She became actively involved in pro-life advocacy, immersing herself in pro-life arguments and participating in prayer walks at the Charlotte abortion facility. This firsthand experience at the abortion facility provided Jordan with a profound understanding of the horrors of abortion, solidifying her belief that it is a central moral issue.

Currently residing in Charlotte, North Carolina, Jordan shares her home with her Shih Tzu named Oliver. In her role as Students for Life’s Press Specialist and Online Editor, her responsibilities include writing op-eds, editing and producing content for the SFLA blog, mentoring students in effectively communicating their pro-life stories.

Jordan can be contacted at [email protected].