Category: SFLA Press Feature

The FDA Flunks Science AGAIN: DayQuil Has Been Debunked for Hurting Not Helping…Now Do Chemical Abortion Pills
Caroline Wharton | September 19, 2023
Despite being charged with the serious task of protecting the American people’s health and safety, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) scientific record is about on-par with the slapstick comedy Ghostbusters — because if there’s something strange about a drug, who are you going to call? Not the FDA…at least that’s what cases, like the recent Dayquil controversy, continue to

In Case You Missed It: The Ultimate Hunter College Media Coverage Roundup
Caroline Wharton | May 30, 2023
If you’ve watched the news, listened to a political podcast, or read a newspaper article lately, you are probably familiar with the incident at Hunter College and the resulting chaos afterwards. This story, involving a Students for Life of America (SFLA) campus display being destroyed by a professor, has been blasted across media platforms for days straight. If it doesn’t

Students for Life of America Challenges PETA “to join our efforts to protect the environment and endangered species by stopping the practice of dumping medical waste” from Chemical Abortion Pills
Kristi Hamrick | May 19, 2023
On Endangered Species Day, SFLA sends letter to PETA President, asking for support for Red Bag Medical Waste Requirements to protect waterways “Other industries do not receive permission for government-sanctioned, corporate dumping of medical waste,” wrote SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “The Abortion Industry should not receive tacit permission to pollute.” Click here to view Students for Life Action’s Call to Environmentally Minded

Forget Real Crimes & Terror, Department of Homeland Security Zeroes in on Middle-Aged Pro-Life Women as Domestic Threat
Caroline Wharton | May 15, 2023
Keeping the peace isn’t as fun as keeping peeping — Department of Homeland Spying The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) used to prioritize securing our nation’s border and stopping domestic terrorist threats. That is, until a much greater threat was identified: middle-aged women who think killing babies is wrong. The absolute horror. Since discovering this pro-life peril, the DHS has

Profiting from Death: The Chemical Abortion Pill is Making Original Investors Millions
Caroline Wharton | May 2, 2023
GUEST POST: Abortion activists see the future of abortion as the Chemical Abortion Pill. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year and states have started passing stronger pro-life protections, abortion activists have doubled down on their plan to mail abortion pills across state lines. Savvy and predatory abortion supporters are ready to cash in through venture capital funding these expanding abortion businesses.

Fifth Circuit Affirms the Dangers & Deadly Risks of Chemical Abortion Pills As Health & Safety Standards Restored because Abortion Profiteers “Weaponized the Medical Standards to Favor Abortion Industry Interests”
Kristi Hamrick | April 13, 2023
Students for Life Celebrates the Decision that Notes issues with the Approval Process and false comparisons between drugs like Chemical Abortion and Ibuprofen Protections for Women Restored! Next up: Addressing The Environmental Harms Made Possible by Government Sanctioned Dumping of Medical Waste in America’s Waterways “Corporate abortion has hidden behind talking points for decades, ignoring the risks of deadly Chemical

SFLA Reports Free Speech Violations on School Campuses have TRIPLED!
Caroline Wharton | April 12, 2023
More Than 100 Free Speech Violations for 2022-2023 School Year & Counting Pro-Life Students report they’re Silenced & Strongarmed by Peers, Faculty, & Student Governments “What are we teaching our students when they can’t use their Constitutional Rights on school campuses? Americans should be deeply concerned about the lack of pro-life free speech in educational settings,” said Students for Life of

Three Reasons Why It’s a Bad Idea to Let WHO Take Public Health Emergency Reins
Caroline Wharton | February 23, 2023
It’s bad enough that the Biden Administration wants to declare a public health emergency over abortion, but the plot thickens — and gets worse. Guess who President Biden wants to put in charge of American public health emergencies? Spoiler alert: not America. It’s the pickler of public health and COVID-denounced dolt itself: the World Health Organization (WHO). According to multiple

The ERA Sequel No One Asked For: Fighting the “Everything Related to Abortion” Act…Again
Caroline Wharton | February 13, 2023
In the name of every humanitarian society, the pro-life movement asks the abortion lobby to stop beating the very, very dead horse of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) or as we like to call it, the “Everything Related to Abortion” Act. This pro-abortion beast has been dead and defunct for a long time now, but once again, the abortion lobby

Look Who’s Talking: Media Coverage of Students for Life of America from the 2023 National Pro-Life March
Caroline Wharton | January 24, 2023
The first Post-Roe National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C. just recently occurred, and Students for Life of America (SFLA) showed up in full force to represent the preborn and vulnerable women. Bringing students and team members from across the nation, SFLA sent a strong message to our Nation’s Capitol through our presence — and also to readers and viewers nation