Category: Featured

Meet Tiffany Blanco, One of National Leaders Collective’s January Leaders of the Month
Tiffany Blanco | January 15, 2025
Tiffany Blanco, one of the National Leaders Collective’s leaders of the month, is a Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Christian Leadership Fellow attending Kalida High School in Washington. Learn more about Blanco’s activism below. Growing up, I knew every life was from God. As I grew up, though, the vision got hazy, especially in high school. God called me

Are Planned Parenthood-Infiltrated Medical Boards Part of the Problem in a Post-Dobbs World?
Kristi Hamrick | January 14, 2025
After a recent outrage over a Texas medical board director working for Planned Parenthood, it got Students for Life of America (SFLA) thinking and asking the questions the abortion media shies away from: Is there confusion about medical care post-Dobbs because Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have infiltrated the profession? Since the Dobbs decision put an end to Roe,

To Young Women Shamed for Their Unplanned Pregnancy: Students for Life of America Stands With You
Michele Venditto | January 13, 2025
There once was a woman made to stand before a group. Prestigious religious leaders spearheading the charge ushered her before an attentive crowd. Embarrassed, ashamed, and vulnerable – her darkest secrets and most intimate confessions were broadcast to a community gathered for her sentencing. While many Christians who know their scriptures will think of John 8:1-11, Jesus rescuing a young

Despite “Transgender Outrage,” Squid Game Season 2 Takes the Cake for Its Unapologetic Pro-Life Message
Lydia Taylor Davis | January 9, 2025
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD Hollywood overflows with anti-family, pro-abortion, and anti-moral messaging. From the media, TV shows, and movies – they’re consumed with pro-abortion ideals that mislead viewers into glorifying the idea of “choice,” “autonomy,” and “success” at the cost of killing preborn children. Remember the late-term abortion normalizing and incest themed film that was Poor Things? READ: Emma Stone

How Spare Change Turned into Life-Changing and Saving Support for Expectant Mothers
Charlotte Swannack | January 8, 2025
Charlotte Swannack is a junior in high school, president of Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life, and a Students for Life Action State Captain. In a remarkable show of community support, I witnessed my group, Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life, raise $5,179 in partnership with a local Catholic Church to support our local Pregnancy Help Center (PHC),

The Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempt to Kill: Pilot Program Could Force Pharmacists to Prescribe Chemical Abortion Pills
Jordan Estabrook | January 8, 2025
Looks like the abortion lobby wants to empower more people to end preborn life. According to a recent New York Times article, a pilot program out of Washington State is underway to allow pharmacists also to prescribe Chemical Abortion Pills. The original REMS (health and safety standards) from 2000 would have demanded in-person care with a physician. Still, the current

What It Takes to Bring the Message of Life: How a Students for Life of America Group Prepared for Lydia Taylor Davis’ Mind and Life Changing Speaking Tour
Jenna Gibson | January 7, 2025
Jenna Gibson is a Students for Life of America Student Spokesperson, and Pinnie Francis is a William Wilberforce Fellow. Both are juniors at Christopher Newport University in Virginia. Last fall, Students for Life at Christopher Newport University hosted Students for Life of America (SFLA) Student Spokesperson Lydia Taylor Davis. If you know anything about Davis, she makes quite a stir

St. Mary’s Respect Life Group Named December 2024 Group of the Month
Morgan Reece | January 7, 2025
At St. Mary’s Catholic Central High School in Monroe, Michigan, a Students for Life of America (SFLA) group called St. Mary’s Respect Life Club went above and beyond this semester, raising a whopping $17,000 for their National Pro-life March trip! To raise this much money, the group sold discount cards to local Monroe shops and hosted a Chipotle Night Fundraiser,

WATCH THE COMMERCIAL APPARENTLY TOO TOUGH FOR THE NFL: Network cancels Pro-Life TV Spot days before Sunday Airing during NFL Game
Kristi Hamrick | January 3, 2025
Students for Life of America Prepared an NFL Commercial Calling on Congress to DEFUND & DEBAR Planned Parenthood and EXPOSING its FEDERAL Taxpayer Funding “Is the network airing NFL games concerned that this commercial will be too much for sensitive football players to see? ReachTV has canceled a spot, noting that six-and-a-half football stadiums could be filled with the children lost to abortion through Planned Parenthood’s gruesome, taxpayer-funded business. Blocking this ad won’t change the facts, so we’re

We Told You So: NBC Finally Reports the True Damage of Chemical Abortion Pills, Cites Study on High Level of Pain
Jordan Estabrook | December 30, 2024
Despite Students for Life of America (SFLA) pro-life organizations warning everyone about the extreme pain and medical danger of Chemical Abortion Pills, NBC seems to be in shock and awe at a new study confirming just that. A recent study surveying women in Wales and England found that women were surprised by the amount of pain, and it was far