Category: Med Students

BREAKING: SFLAction and SFLA Respond to President Biden’s Pill-Pushing FDA; Says “Increasing the number of entities that can sell deadly pills helps no one.”
Caroline Wharton | January 3, 2023
“The Biden Administration is making dangerous Chemical Abortion Pills attainable at every corner as it lowers the medical standards for protecting women,” said Kristan Hawkins, SFLAction and SFLA President. “Making Chemical Abortion Pills accessible at your local pharmacy is certainly not the product of the ‘safe, legal, and rare’ lie we were fed as we fought for the reversal of

Of All Places, Catholic Universities Should Protect Pro-Lifers, Not Punish Them
Caroline Wharton | December 20, 2022
GUEST POST: Last year, my Students for Life of America group at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota called “Culture for Life” prepared an event to put up 2,800 flags to represent the number of abortions performed every day. We put the flags up late in the afternoon, but we were required to take them down by the administration that evening

Reflection Periods & Why the Abortion Lobby is So Against Them
Caroline Wharton | November 7, 2022
The abortion lobby understands that if a woman is given the time and space to reconsider an abortion decision, she may very well decide against it, and that is why pro-abortion Members of Congress have recently introduced a new bill designed to limit such opportunities for choosing life. If voted into law, this legislation would be the best thing since

SFLA President Shares Her Fears Beyond Abortion About This Election
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2022
As one of the nation’s largest pro-life organizations, it’s no surprise to read that our work is laser focused on abolishing elective abortions. However, a new op-ed by Students for Life Action (SFLAction) and Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins shares more issues at home and globally that she fears. With only 14 days until the general

Stacey Abrams Posits Abortion Fixes Inflation; Should Trick-or-Treaters Be Killed In a Candy Shortage?
Caroline Wharton | October 20, 2022
Some days, the news looks a lot more like satire, and that’s exactly how a recent interview seemed with Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, when she actually suggested that abortion is a cure for inflation — and no, you’re not mistakenly reading the Babylon Bee. Abram’s interview clip is currently going viral on social media, and

Jesus Wasn’t Running on a Pro-Abortion Platform; What MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Doesn’t Know About the Bible is A LOT
Caroline Wharton | September 20, 2022
GUEST POST: In another show of pro-abortion media bias and general biblical ignorance, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough recently used airtime to scold pro-life Christians. The segment came about in response to South Carolina Senate’s failure to pass robust pro-life protections. Scarborough made the unbelievable implication that Jesus would have been pro-abortion because “Jesus never once talked about abortion.” Scarborough’s

SFLAction Calls on Veterans Administration to Drop “Unlawful & Unethical” Plan to Force Abortion into Veterans Service in States where Preborn Life is Protected
Kristi Hamrick | September 15, 2022
“The Biden Administration again proves that safe, legal, and rare is their ghost of abortion policy past while unlawful, unethical, and unlimited abortion is their present obsession,” said Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins. “But as 40 pro-life leaders already told Congress, misusing federal lands to break state laws will be opposed and is not legal, though it seems

Take a Peek: SFLA Student Leaders’ Plans for Upcoming School Year in a Post-Roe America
Caroline Wharton | August 23, 2022
The Dobbs v. Jackson ruling sent abortion policy back to the states, and the Pro-Life Generation is overwhelmed with excitement as they plan out how they can further impact their states in a life-affirming manner. While it’s been almost two months living in a post-Roe America, students are returning to campus in the coming days and will have some of

Google Changed the Definition of “Fetus” But It Can’t Change Science
Caroline Wharton | August 23, 2022
With the pro-life movement consistently winning, the abortion lobby’s ship is sinking and their strategy to stay afloat keeps getting dirtier and dirtier. As an apt example of their shady scheming, Google recently changed the definition of “fetus” in a way which seems only intent on supporting the pro-abortion narrative. While this isn’t necessarily surprising considering misinformation is how the

Students for Life Action Celebrates the End of Roe, the Case That Launched the Human Rights Tragedy of our Time, the Deaths of More Than 63 Million to Abortion Since 1973
Kristi Hamrick | June 24, 2022
“The injustice of Roe has finally come to an end, and the momentum to protect life in law is finally on the side of innocent preborn children and their mothers who deserve our help,” said Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins. “Roe v. Wade has been a cancer growing in our Constitution resulting in more than 63 million deaths. Today,