Category: law students

Supreme Court Will Soon Decide If Abortion Facilities Have To Follow Basic Health and Safety Rules
Brenna Lewis | June 11, 2020
The Supreme Court is expected to rule soon (they have until the end of June) on the Louisiana abortion law that requires abortion facilities to follow basic health and safety rules. The case is June Medical Services LLC v. Russo. The abortion industry does not want to follow basic health and safety rules. They are claiming that they cannot comply with

2 New Members of Congress Vow to Sign “Born Alive” Petition
Kristi Hamrick | May 19, 2020
“This is why the Pro-Life Generation votes pro-life first,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. “The fact that two, newly elected legislators in the House will make signing the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act discharge petition one of their first acts in office explains the importance of prioritizing the human rights issue of our day when casting every vote.” WASHINGTON D.C. (05-19-2020) – Students for

Looking for a Pro-Life Job?
Brenna Lewis | May 6, 2020
If you’ve recently graduated or looking for a pro-life career change, you’ve come to the right place. National pro-life organizations (including our sister organization, Students for Life Action) are almost always hiring for a variety of different positions. Everyone has a unique set of strengths and skills – put yours to work for the pro-life movement!

Our Med & Law Speaker Tour Just Went DIGITAL
Lori Cascio | April 9, 2020
After 14 successful events on campuses around the country, the Med and Law Speaking Tour is going digital for the remainder of the spring semester. Monday, March 23rd, St. Louis University School of Law hosted Samuel Green from Alliance Defending Freedom to kick-off virtual presentations. There are 2 upcoming opportunities for students in both fields, alongside undergrad students, to meet and hear from speakers who will address aspects of the medical and legal side of abortion that have

(VIDEO): Legal Expert Says The Supreme Court Should Allow Health and Safety Standards To Stand
Brenna Lewis | March 3, 2020
A leading legal expert and an author of the book on the problems of Roe v. Wade has released a video with Students for Life explaining the Supreme Court Case Gee v. June Medical Services (now called June Medical Services v. Russo) which is being heard on Wednesday, March 4th. The case will determine whether the state of Louisiana and other states, can regulate

One Of The Top Pro-Life Legal Groups Is Offering A Law School Prep Academy
Brenna Lewis | February 18, 2020
Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the top pro-life legal groups in the country, is offering a “Law School Prep Academy” for future law students. Alliance Defending Freedom has long been a partner of Students for Life, often representing Students for Life groups in free-speech disputes with universities, as well as regularly sponsoring Students for Life event. ADF was also a
United Kingdom ‘Guerrilla’ Newspaper Criticizes Pro-Life Student Group For Running Facebook Ads
Brenna Lewis | January 21, 2020
A pro-life group in the United Kingdom, Birmingham Students for Life is under criticism a student-run newspaper call “The Tab” for doing the unthinkable; running Facebook ads to promote an event on why assisted suicide should be opposed., which bills itself as, “a site covering youth culture and student culture” and is run by a “guerilla army of bold

2,556 Post-Abortive Women Tell The Supreme Court To Allow Pro-Life Law To Stand
Brenna Lewis | January 2, 2020
The abortion industry often claims they are the ones fighting for women’s health and supporting women. But a group of post-abortive women just annihilated that claim in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, in support of Louisiana’s law which requires abortion facilities to meet the same basic health and safety standards as ambulatory surgical centers. The abortion industry opposes