Category: National Pro-Life March

The Pro-Life Generation to Washington D.C.: We Vote & We Won’t Turn Our Backs on Mothers and their Children, Born & Preborn
Jordan Estabrook | January 24, 2025
Students for Life Affirms Commitment to Ending Infanticide Once and for All – as Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act fails in U.S. Senate without ONE Democratic Party Vote & Heads to the U.S. House “The end of Roe v. Wade is the beginning of a hope and future for Americans everywhere, but we know we are in a marathon, not a sprint,” said

Pro-Life Gen Student Leader Dominick Tolentino’s Speech from 2024 National Pro-Life March
Caroline Wharton | January 19, 2024
Students for Life of America (SFLA) was proud to have a member of the Pro-Life Generation represent us while speaking at the National Pro-Life March rally this afternoon. If you missed his speech (or want a rerun), check it out below: “Hello everyone, my name is Dominick Tolentino, and I am the president of the Students For Life Chapter up

Look Who’s Talking: Media Coverage of Students for Life of America from the 2023 National Pro-Life March
Caroline Wharton | January 24, 2023
The first Post-Roe National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C. just recently occurred, and Students for Life of America (SFLA) showed up in full force to represent the preborn and vulnerable women. Bringing students and team members from across the nation, SFLA sent a strong message to our Nation’s Capitol through our presence — and also to readers and viewers nation

Students for Life of America & National Partners to Hold First Post-Roe, Pro-Life Summit, Training Pro-Life Gen for Culture-Changing Engagement
Caroline Wharton | September 6, 2022
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, January 21, 2023, in Washington, D.C. We are the first Post-Roe Generation, & We are UNSTOPPABLE “Roe v. Wade is gone, and the Pro-Life Generation is only just getting started,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Students for Life of America was founded as a Post-Roe organization, and this is our time to implement

Your Sign to Come to the March Next Year
Caroline Wharton | February 2, 2022
GUEST POST: For many students, the National Pro-Life March is one of the biggest motivators to become more deeply involved in pro-life activism. I found this to be true when I attended my first March as a freshman in high school back in 2013. (Wow, time really does fly!) This year, I had the opportunity to attend my ninth National

My First Experience at the National Pro-Life March and Summit
Caroline Wharton | February 2, 2022
GUEST POST: Many members of the Pro-Life Generation have never been to the National Pro-Life March or the National Pro-Life Summit. If that’s you, I want to encourage you to run—not walk— to these events in 2023. This year was my first opportunity to attend these events, and both made a huge impact on me. Check out my experiences below:

Massive Pro-Life Gathering in California Signals Hope for State’s Future
Brenna Lewis | September 8, 2021
On August 25, 2021, the official March for Life® organization along with the California Family Council kicked off the first annual California March for Life® event outside the capitol in Sacramento. We #marchforlife! — March for Life (@March_for_Life) August 25, 2021 I was fortunate to speak among several other great pro-life speakers including Jeanne Mancini, the president of March for Life®, Kristin Turner, the

Abortion is Violence, and Here’s Why
Brenna Lewis | February 16, 2021
This year, the National Pro-Life March was virtual. This marked an important crossroads for the pro-life movement. Either give into the new Administration and the obstacles set before the March this year… or continue to press on. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris openly support abortion up to birth. Violence in our streets grew over 2020, and the violence against

Even Without In-Person Demonstrations, LIFE is Still Winning
Caroline Wharton | February 2, 2021
I stand for Life because I see the hurt and pain that is caused by abortion. Abortion increases the risk of breast cancer by 50% in women whose first pregnancy ends in abortion. A study by Americans United for Life “found that women whose first pregnancies ended in abortion were 65 percent more likely to score in the ‘high risk’ range for clinical depression.” Women who face an

I Didn’t Get to March in D.C., But That Doesn’t Mean my Pro-Life Work is Stopping
Brenna Lewis | February 2, 2021
Modern day feminist culture promotes building up other women, and we need to help support other women to succeed. The pro-life movement today continues to supports this mentality of one another, through all stages of life for an individual. Women face unplanned pregnancies in all parts of the world and in various walks of life. What the pro-life movement promotes is a