Category: Students for Life Action
Notorious Pro-Abortion Bully Announces Bid for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
Brenna Lewis | February 16, 2021
Publicly outed bully Rep. Brian Sims of Pennsylvania has just announced his plans to run for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. Students for Life has a history with Mr. Sims, as he harassed and called for the doxxing of pro-life high school girls who were witnessing outside of a Planned Parenthood in May of 2019. Students for Life reported at
Students for Life Leader Testifies in Favor of New Heartbeat Bill in South Carolina
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2021
On February 3, 2021, the South Carolina House subcommittee heard testimonies from South Carolina residents for and against South Carolina’s heartbeat bill. The South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act bill requires abortionists to perform an ultrasound to detect a fetal heartbeat before an abortion. If a heartbeat is found, the abortionist would no longer be allowed
Texas Defunded Planned Parenthood – Help Your State be Next!
Brenna Lewis | February 3, 2021
As Students for Life recently reported, Texas is the most recent state to have succeeded in defunding Planned Parenthood of state Medicaid dollars. Given that Medicaid is the avenue by which Planned Parenthood grabs most of its cash from taxpayers, the fact that Texas has finally smacked their greedy paw away is a big deal. Despite how difficult a
Is Students for Life Next on the Social Media Ban List?
Brenna Lewis | January 19, 2021
The big tech companies (including social media platforms) hold an insane amount of power over the public discourse. They control what is allowed to be said in posts, tweets, videos, and more. As long as they agree with it, it’s allowed to stay. Unfortunately… they are staunchly not on our side. No one could’ve predicted how quickly America’s precious free
Twitter’s CEO Says the Crackdown on their Customers’ Speech is Just Getting Started
Brenna Lewis | January 18, 2021
It’s no secret that the tech giants of America have nearly unbridled power when it comes to controlling the social media narrative. Facebook and Twitter in particular have been caught time and time again shadow banning and otherwise censoring viewpoints they don’t like (i.e. conservative ones). So it wasn’t a major shock when footage was leaked of Twitter CEO
Students for Life Action Knocked on Over 70,000 Doors in Georgia!
Brenna Lewis | January 8, 2021
On January 5th, a very important special election was held in Georgia. The stakes? Whether the U.S. Senate would retain majority pro-life control… or shift to majority pro-abortion control. With stakes like this, of course Students for Life Action (SFLAction) headed to Georgia to urge voters to #SavetheSenate and #VoteProLifeFirst. Nearly 200 students and staff traveled with Students for
SFLAction to Send Hundreds of Pro-Life Staff and Students to Georgia to Engage in Senate Races
Kristi Hamrick | December 29, 2020
“With Democrats already pledging to force taxpayer funded abortion into law and choosing a radical abortion-supporting nominee, called an ‘Anti-Trump attack dog’ by the New York Times, to head up healthcare at HHS, an anti-life agenda is clearly emerging,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. “The U.S. Senate must balance the radical activism proposed by extremists who pledge to remake society in their image, with taxpayer funded abortion at
Top 5 Ways Pro-Life Students Took Down Planned Parenthood in 2020
Brenna Lewis | December 18, 2020
Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on abortion in America, committing 1/3 of the nation’s total abortions (over 340,000 per year). So the battle against abortion must include a battle against Planned Parenthood. Fortunately, Students for Life groups & leaders are up for the challenge. Pro-life students fought tirelessly against the abortion giant this year and made a difference for
5 Reasons Planned Parenthood Should Go Fund Themselves
Brenna Lewis | December 15, 2020
Students for Life (along with more than half of Americans) have been calling for the federal defunding of Planned Parenthood for years. The plain and simple truth? Americans don’t like giving our tax dollars to the nation’s largest, scandal-ridden abortion vendor. Even pro-choice ones. Yet Planned Parenthood gets over $600 million tax dollars from us each year. Email
Massachusetts Succeeded in Expanding Abortion with an Insane Bill
Brenna Lewis | November 13, 2020
Update Nov. 20th, 2020: The ROE act has passed in both the Massachusetts House and Senate. It heads now to the Governor’s desk. You can still take action below. Both sides are aware that a post-Roe may be among us. When that happens, the decision regarding abortion laws will return to each individual state, including pro-choice states. Massachusetts is the