Category: Students for Life Action

Students for Life Action Knocked on 2,000 Doors in One Weekend!
Caroline Wharton | October 15, 2020
Student volunteers with our sister organization, Students for Life Action, spent last weekend knocking on doors and encouraging voters to #VoteProLifeFirst on November 3rd. There were door-knocking deployments in cities nationwide – but in Montana, volunteers knocked on over 2,000 doors in just one weekend! That’s the impact the Pro-Life Generation can make. Students over the age of 18

Ben Sasse Says the Amy Coney Barrett Hearings ‘Would Be Really Confusing to Eighth Graders’
Brenna Lewis | October 13, 2020
On a particularly memorable statement during the first day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing, Senator Ben Sasse acknowledged what the hearings had become, a confusion about the role of government. “A huge part of what we are doing here in this hearing,” Sasse noted during his time, “would be really confusing to eighth graders, civic classes across the

Senator Cory Booker Easily Wins Award for Most Hysterical Fear-Mongering on Roe v. Wade
Brenna Lewis | October 12, 2020
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has not even been confirmed to the Supreme Court, yet Democrats are already in hysterics over the fate of the Roe v. Wade. Perhaps the most absurd warnings came from Senator Cory Booker. He used his time to explain how “people are scared right now… because they know what a future without the protections of Roe

Democrats Don’t Know What “Court Packing” Means
Brenna Lewis | October 12, 2020
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have engaged in quite the show of mental gymnastics with their non-answers on the integral question about if they will pack the Supreme Court by adding more members to the Court than the typical nine. The new talking point is even more bizarre, with Biden and other Democrats claiming that it’s Republicans who are

So, What Did We Learn from the Vice Presidential Debate?
Brenna Lewis | October 8, 2020
Last night was the first Vice Presidential debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence. For anyone who was able to ignore the attention-hungry fly that took up residence on Pence’s head for a few minutes, they actually enjoyed a fairly civil and productive conversation between these very different politicians. There was still moderator bias from Susan Page

About those Supreme Court Nominations… Who’s Right?
Brenna Lewis | October 2, 2020
The first question of the first presidential debate—quite the contentious one—had to do with the hot topic on everyone’s mind: the Supreme Court. Moderator Chris Wallace asked, “Why are you right in the argument you make and your opponent wrong?” Considering Trump’s case is a matter of following a Constitutional duty on judicial nominees, it’s hard to argue with

Getting Punched at the Supreme Court is Likely Just the Beginning
Brenna Lewis | October 2, 2020
While countering a pro-abortion rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Sunday, SFLAction team member Autumn Schimmer was punched in the face. Autumn, while peacefully making her support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett heard. The incident took place at a rally organized by Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. At one point, a pro-choice woman wanted to speak with

SFLA Helps Collect 150k Signatures to Ban Late-Term Abortions in Colorado
Jessica Nardi | September 25, 2020
A group of Colorado doctors, aided by Students of Life Action, have successfully collected enough signatures to launch Proposition 115–a new ballot initiative that would ban late-term abortions in the state of Colorado. No such restrictions currently exist, meaning babies in Colorado can be aborted up until the moment of birth. This proposition would ban abortion after 22 weeks

The Stakes Could Not Be Higher in this Election
Brenna Lewis | September 24, 2020
Voters cannot depend on the Democratic Party to communicate its egregious position on abortion. If people knew, most would reject such an agenda. Democrats keep quiet because the stakes are so high, for both parties. The Democratic Party, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, supports abortion on demand, for any reason, and paid

Students for Life of America’s “Sock the Vote” Campus Tour to Travel to 46 states explaining Why We Vote Pro-Life First
Kristi Hamrick | September 23, 2020
“Student leaders and SFLA team members will equip the Pro-Life Generation with the tools to activate voters who hate abortion so much, they will vote Pro-Life first,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “We’ll be bringing 2,362 baby socks with us to each campus stop, representing the number of babies lost to us each day to the violence of abortion. And, now, with a vacancy at