Category: SFLA Press Feature

Planned Parenthood Finally Gets Around to Noticing Their Mega Abortion Business, Dumping Their Annual Report on a Friday Evening
Kristi Hamrick | September 9, 2022
“Planned Parenthood thinks hiding their abortion business will camouflage the rising body count, but almost 383,460 infants died from their ‘care’ over the last year as they profited in the billions. If your healthcare kills people on purpose, you’re doing it wrong,” said Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins. WASHINGTON, D.C. (09-09-2022) – “Friday data dumps usually involve something people or organizations

Students for Life of America & National Partners to Hold First Post-Roe, Pro-Life Summit, Training Pro-Life Gen for Culture-Changing Engagement
Caroline Wharton | September 6, 2022
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, January 21, 2023, in Washington, D.C. We are the first Post-Roe Generation, & We are UNSTOPPABLE “Roe v. Wade is gone, and the Pro-Life Generation is only just getting started,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Students for Life of America was founded as a Post-Roe organization, and this is our time to implement

An End to the Pro-Abortion Lie: Report Finds Abortion Kills Women MORE Than Childbirth
Caroline Wharton | August 30, 2022
Coming to the aid of all pro-lifers who have ever been mocked by the abortion lobby and told that pregnancy is “fourteen times more dangerous than abortion,” a new report by the Charlotte Lozier Institute has found that claim to be a big pile of balderdash (for lack of a well-deserving but coarser word). That’s right; this widely-touted and far-reaching

PETA Should Oppose Chemical Abortion Pills
Brenna Lewis | August 29, 2022
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (more colloquially known as PETA) is one of America’s foremost animal rights groups. Best known for their outrageous activism tactics like nude photo shoots, KKK costumes at dog shows, and dumping a ton of manure at the doorstep of one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants… it’s clear they aren’t shy about coming up hard

Take a Peek: SFLA Student Leaders’ Plans for Upcoming School Year in a Post-Roe America
Caroline Wharton | August 23, 2022
The Dobbs v. Jackson ruling sent abortion policy back to the states, and the Pro-Life Generation is overwhelmed with excitement as they plan out how they can further impact their states in a life-affirming manner. While it’s been almost two months living in a post-Roe America, students are returning to campus in the coming days and will have some of

Bee-Ing Bold for Life: Babylon Bee CEO Says “Murder Doesn’t Fix Rape” on Joe Rogan Show
Caroline Wharton | August 17, 2022
In a clip that that is quickly making the rounds on social media, the CEO of the Babylon Bee, Seth Dillion, recently owned a conversation with popular podcast host Joe Rogan when he stood firm on the fact that all life is precious and should be protected, no matter how you were conceived. As Students for Life of America (SFLA)

WATCH: Kristan Hawkins & Obama Actually Agree on Something
Caroline Wharton | July 21, 2022
Just when you thought you had seen it all, you realize that you really haven’t seen anything yet because Students for Life of America (SFLA) and the former 44th President of the United States just came to an agreement on an aspect of the abortion issue. If you don’t recall, former President Barack Obama was not a friend to the

WHACK-O-MOLE: Tracking the Many Bad Ideas for More Abortion Popping Up Since Roe Collapsed
Kristi Hamrick | July 14, 2022
In this game of Whack-O-Mole, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is tracking the general mayhem proposed by abortion-loving politicians in their frantic fervor to continue killing kids. Prepare to be overwhelmed because this list of pro-abortion plans, task forces, and over-all havoc is long, and it’s exactly what the team at Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is dealing with

As the Story Collapses Regarding a 10-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Raped, We Still Want to Offer Help to Those Who Are Suffering
Kristi Hamrick | July 8, 2022
In today’s heated abortion debates, many who want to see Roe’s no-limit, no-health-and-safety-standard abortion policy in place again are making headlines with a story that is alleged about a 10-year-old girl. Indiana abortionist and Ob/GYN Dr. Caitlin Bernard told media that “a child abuse doctor in Ohio” wanted to set up an abortion for a rape victim who was past Ohio’s abortion limit

Pro-Life Generation Gathers at 30 Capitals Across the Nation to Declare ‘Life is Louder’ in a Post-Roe America
Caroline Wharton | June 28, 2022
The Saturday after Roe v. Wade fell, the Pro-Life Generation took to the streets of their state capitals to boldly declare that ‘Life is Louder’ and celebrate the victory that the pro-life movement has been waiting on for 50 years! Nationwide, Students for Life of America (SFLA) groups formed life-chains in nearly 30 cities to mark the end of the egregiously