Christina (Coffman) Fioretto grew up in Columbia, Maryland and graduated from Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona. Christina has been on fire to stand up for human rights since she was young, involving herself in local and self-led efforts to assist those in need including the homeless and later, victims of human trafficking. In high school, she saw the reality of unplanned pregnancies and abortion …
Paul Horrocks
Paul Horrocks is an entrepreneur and host of the Biblical Courage podcast. He’s also the author of Tough Guys of the Bible. Paul has been a church elder, men’s group leader, and a director on several boards of nonprofit organizations dedicated to promoting mercy, justice, and Biblical values. Paul Horrocks is an independent voting member.
Danielle Huntley Webb
Danielle Huntley Webb, Esq. is an immigration attorney representing individual and corporate clients from around the world. Her involvement with SFLA began as a student at Boston College. She witnessed the transformation of the organization from American Collegians for Life (ACL) to Students for Life of America when she served as the ACL and, then, SFLA student president. She serves …
Brendan O’Morchoe
Brendan O’Morchoe is the former Vice President of Strategy for Students for Life of America and worked for Students for Life for more than six years before joining the Students for Life Action board as the organization’s treasurer. He lives in the St. Paul, Minnesota area with his wife and son. Brendan O’Morchoe is an independent voting member.
Erik Whittington
Erik Whittington was born in Illinois and first began his secular music career in Portland, Oregon where he converted to the pro-life truth through a Life Chain pro-life visibility event. After converting to Christianity, he decided to give in to God’s call to defend the innocent (Proverbs 24:11). After making noise for the pro-life movement in Portland, he joined Rock …
Michele Venditto
Michele grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and graduated from Hood College after studying Elementary and Special Education. As a sophomore in high school, Michele chose the topic of abortion for a project in her speech class. Through research for the assignment, she learned the heart-breaking truth about abortion and knew immediately that she was pro-life. However, with nowhere to really …
Mary Briganti
Mary Briganti is from Omaha, Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication and a minor in Nonprofit Management. She became passionately pro-life her freshman year in college when she revived Mavericks Students for Life on her campus. Mary’s involvement with SFLA started in 2015 with the revival of her campus’s Students for Life group …
Reagan Barklage
Reagan Barklage grew up all over the United States, as an Air Force brat, and graduated from the University of Missouri after studying Journalism. From a young age, Reagan remembers her family praying outside of abortion facilities. A few years later, she was exposed to the graphic truth of abortion by stumbling upon a diagram of a partial-birth abortion and experienced a gut-wrenching passion to respond. During her …
Kristi Hamrick
Kristi Hamrick grew up in towns across Pennsylvania and Iowa before graduating from Anderson University with departmental honors in Communications and cum laude, paying her way through school, working as editor of her college newspaper and part-time as a journalist, as well as winning a prestigious Pulliam Fellowship after graduation. She has a degree in Mass Communications & Journalism with …
Richard Crum
Richard Crum is the chair of the SFLA Board and an experienced payments, financial services and B2B SaaS executive with over 30 years of professional experience. Richard has been a member of the Board since 2017. He is a catechist in his parish and has also been involved with other educational and religious non-profits. He and his wife have eight …