Category: Planned Parenthood

Pro-Life Generation Wins Since Roe v. Wade Fell
Jordan Estabrook | June 19, 2024
June 24 marks the second anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s fall. Founded as a post-Roe human rights organization, we knew that day was coming. And from that day, Pro-Life Generation (PLG) rolled up our sleeves and got to work – state by state, through legislative campaigns, grassroots mobilization, national awareness, federal action, and legal intervention. And that’s only the beginning.

“I Scooped My Baby Out of the Toilet and Kept it in a Box for Years:” Girl Recounts the Horrors of Her Coerced Toilet Bowl Abortion
Savannah Craven | May 24, 2024
Recently, Students for Life of America (SFLA) Northeast Regional Coordinator Penelope Rose and I hosted the Defund Planned Parenthood Display at Albany City Hall in New York, one of the abortion capitals in our country. At 24 weeks (about 5 and a half months) of life, innocent preborn babies can be legally killed. The morning started out calmly, but that

From Placing Her Daughter for Adoption to Raising Her Son: One Birth Mom’s Experience and Pro-Life Passion
Jordan Estabrook | May 20, 2024
A lot has changed since Noelle Isabell, 37, placed her daughter for adoption 20 years ago. Since then, she’s been a birth mom to a daughter she placed for adoption and is now the mother of her 10-year-old son, Nick. Through her unique and inspiring journey of motherhood, she understands the brave choices of placing a child for adoption and

“Doctors for Choice” Event is an Oxymoron – Students for Life of America Protests Chicago Doctors Who Betrayed Their Oath
Jordan Estabrook | May 13, 2024
Abortion supporters nationwide make contradictory statements daily. Usually, it sounds something like this: Life is valuable – except in the womb. It’s ok to kill a preborn child up until nine months, but when it’s born, then it can’t be killed. It’s a baby when they want it to be – otherwise, it’s a “fetus.” It’s more startling and concerning

Pro-Life Win: Preborn Hearts Will Beat in Florida Under the Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act!
Jordan Estabrook | May 2, 2024
It’s a great time for the preborn in Florida, as a lifesaving law took effect early this month. Last year, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a piece of legislation which was strongly encouraged and supported by Students for Life Action (SFLAction). The Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act, SB 300, protects preborn babies when their heartbeat is detected at six weeks. This also includes

Pro-Abortion Democrat Called the Cops on Pro-Lifers for Hand Drawn Threats: Turns Out, It Was Disney
Jordan Estabrook | April 25, 2024
In a predictable turn of events, pro-lifers are once again accused of something they didn’t do. READ: FREE SPEECH VICTORY: Circuit Court Finds Evidence of Viewpoint Discrimination for Excluding SFLA’s Pro-Life Perspective in Washington D.C. Case This time, it has to do with a creepy Disney mailer promoting “The First Omen,” the latest installment in the long-running horror franchise, which

Planned Parenthood Proves Once Again that Abortion is FEDERAL, as More Taxpayer Resources Lost to the Nation’s Number One Abortion Vendor
Kristi Hamrick | April 17, 2024
“Planned Parenthood can’t get its story straight, after loudly crying crocodile tears since the end of Roe v. Wade, the nation’s number one abortion vendor is quietly raking in more money and ending more lives in the last two years. And their anti-baby business now includes sterilizing, sex altering treatments ensuring that more people than ever before will never hold

Smashing and Trashing in the Sunshine State: Cemetery of the Innocents Gets Vandalized, But that Won’t Stop the Pro-Life Generation from Reaching the Youth
Jordan Estabrook | April 16, 2024
When there’s no logic left, some abortion enthusiasts turn to vandalism, which is what happened in the sunshine state of Florida. Vandals trashed a Cemetery of the Innocents set up by Students for Life at the University of Florida. Florida Regional Coordinator Kristen Wayne was on the ground when students stepped on the Cemetery of the Innocents and broke

I Protested at a Planned Parenthood Banquet in Texas – Some People Don’t Care About Eugenics or the Law
Faith Elwonger | April 12, 2024
Many people are numb to and far removed from the euphemism “Planned Parenthood” since its founding over 100 years ago in 1916. The obsession with “reproductive freedom” ignores Planned Parenthood’s underlying origins based on Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger’s eugenic philosophy specifically targeting minority areas, particularly Black Americans. African Americans made up 38% of all abortions tracked by the CDC

Man Convicted of the FACE Act for Sitting in Front of Planned Parenthood Entrance
Jordan Estabrook | March 15, 2024
South Carolina had its first FACE Act conviction after Steven Lefemine went to court this week. WATCH: The Clinton-era FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act vaguely and broadly “prohibits violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain or provide reproductive health services,” according to the Department of Justice.