Supreme Court Leak Strategic Discussion Call

The call starts in...


We have called emergency strategy meetings before when big news hits. But never for news THIS big.An authentic draft of the reversal of Roe v. Wade was leaked earlier this week - and all hell broke loose. We were prepared for Roe's reversal, of course. We always have been. But a leak like this was unprecedented. We are getting on a call on May 5th, at 9:00PM ET to talk everything over.

We will cover...

  • What happened with the leaked document
  • What it means (and doesn't mean)
  • What our next steps are
  • How you can get involved

We also plan to address your big questions... What about rape? What about the right to privacy? Will women die in back alleys now? And more.

Expect to hear from SFLA President Kristan Hawkins, along with our Chief Media Strategist Kristi Hamrick, a pro-life student who was present outside the Supreme Court the morning after the leak, and others.

This is our moment. This is history.

You do not want to miss this. Register below!
