A woman with glasses and shoulder-length black hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a shirt that reads, "ONE TEAM FAMILY."

Kayla Washington

Caging Agent
[email protected]

Kayla Washington grew up in Fredericksburg, Virginia and is currently enrolled at Germanna Community College studying Business Administration.

Kayla found her pro-life calling through a close friend who came extremely close to abortion. She had all odds against her and felt defeated. Kayla and her family counseled her and gave her the support and education she needed to understand just how precious and necessary every life is. This situation intensified Kayla’s belief in the pro-life movement.

Kayla currently resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Students for Life’s Caging Agent. This work includes Caging, sorting through mail, processing credit card payments, and much more! Kayla Washington can be contacted at [email protected].