A woman smiles at the camera.

Jessica Power

New England Regional Coordinator
[email protected]

Jessica Power grew up in Torrington, Connecticut, and graduated from the University of Connecticut after studying Human Development & Family Sciences (B.A.) and Public Policy (M.A.).

Jessica felt called to join the pro-life movement in high school after her best friend courageously chose life when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

Jessica was the President of UConn Students for Life for three years and served as a Students for Life Action Captain for Connecticut. As an Action Captain, Jessica successfully convinced her university to add pro-life resources to the school health center’s website. Jessica also interned for two pro-life organizations, and a pro-life member of Congress.

Jessica currently resides in Coventry, Connecticut, and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Students for Life’s New England Regional Coordinator. This work includes equipping high school and college students to educate their peers on the lies of the abortion industry, promote life-affirming resources in their community, and become the next generation’s pro-life leaders!

Jessica can be contacted at [email protected].