Jamie (Scherdin) Curry grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin and graduated from Winona State University after studying Psychology.
Jamie grew up in a traditional Catholic household and was first exposed to pro-life activism in the sixth grade when she took part in a baby bottle drive at school. Going into her freshman year of college, she met her now best friend who was conceived in rape. Meeting him had a profound impact on Jamie’s life, as she was often told his life was not valuable. At that moment, she dedicated herself to the pro-life movement in honor of him.
When Jamie started at Winona State University as a freshman, she helped restart their Students for Life group. She was the treasurer, vice president, and then president of the group while she was a student. In 2019, Jamie was a William Wilberforce Fellow with SFLA and a 2021-2022 Student Spokesperson. She started an annual National Pro-Life March Scholarship for the members of the Warriors for Life to assist with financing the journey to Washington, D.C. each January.
Jamie has been featured in the Catholic Herald and has spoken at the National Pro-Life Summit, The Ohio State University, and at St. Mary’s University of MN.
Jamie currently resides in Edgerton, Wisconsin and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Students for Life’s Campus Tour and Speaker Bureau Manager. This work includes planning, managing, and scheduling Campus Tours presented by Students for Life of America. In addition, she manages the Pro-Life Generation Speakers Bureau inquiries to facilitate pro-life speakers’ events on campus with Students for Life Groups.
Jamie can be contacted at [email protected].
Jamie in the Media:
- Pro-lifers rally at the Supreme Court for Mississippi abortion case – Arlington Catholic Herald
- Student leaders and faculty discuss Texas abortion law – The Winonan
- Warriors for Life club hosts “The Future is Anti-Abortion” speaker event, students protest – The Winonan
- THE PRIMLLIFE PODCAST #31 W/JAMIE SCHERDIN | Fighting Against Evil – YouTube
- Students for Life Counter Protesters at Women’s March Face Violence and Assault (townhall.com)
- Pro-Choice club protests National Life Chain – The Winonan