A woman smiles at the camera.

Helene Senn

Leadership Programs Assistant
[email protected]

Helene Senn grew up in Louisville, KY and graduated from the University of Louisville after studying Marketing.

Helene’s large, Catholic family instilled in her the value and sanctity of ALL human life—from conception to natural death—and inspired her to be active in the pro-life movement from a young age.

Throughout high school and college, her passion for the pro-life movement grew. From being actively involved in her high school’s Youth for Life club to founding and serving as President and Executive Advisor of the University of Louisville’s Students for Life group, she has been amazed by how God has used her life for His greater plan.

Helene also participated in both the William Wilberforce Fellowship and Standing With You Fellowship programs where she started Dine & Dance for Life, a pro-life dance to raise money for local organizations and initiatives, and a Pregnant & Parenting Scholarship that is now managed by Right to Life of Louisville.

Prior to joining Students for Life, she worked for a Public Relations and Public Affairs firm in Kentucky.

Helene has been featured in the Associated Press, BBC, Politico, and several other media outlets.

Helene currently resides in Louisville, KY and serves the Pro-Life Generation as Students for Life’s Leadership Programs Assistant. This work includes organizing and managing SFLA’s Leadership Programs and Alumni Association.

Helene can be contacted at [email protected].

Helene’s Media Appearances: