Kirk Cameron joins Christine Yeargin to discuss his inspiration behind his new film LIFEMARK, standing firm in his convictions in a pro-abortion Hollywood, and why adoption is a loving alternative to abortion. P.S. Watch until the end to watch me embarrass myself and Kirk Cameron by asking him to sing the Growing Pains theme song with me! Be sure the SAVE THE DATE for the 2023 National Pro-Life Summit on Saturday, January 21st. You can find more info here: https://prolifesummit.com
Join Christine Yeargin EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY to dive into pro-life related topics with the biggest names who are bold enough to stand for Life.
Speak Out will be addressing the Nation’s hottest topics and current events related to Life and break down the hard issues in easy to digest episodes. No question will be left unasked, nothing is off limits. Now more than ever is the time to Speak Out.