On this episode of Speak Out with Christine Yeargin, Seth Dillon, Babylon Bee CEO and 2023 National Pro-Life Summit Speaker, points out the humorous absurdity of pro-abortion activism & explains why his pro-life values are extremely important to him. You may have seen Seth in recent news on an interview where he humbles Joe Rogan with the truth about abortion. Seth is the driver of the sky-rocketing success that Babylon Bee has been able to have in a world that craves free speech and truth. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!
Join Christine Yeargin EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY to dive into pro-life related topics with the biggest names who are bold enough to stand for Life.
Speak Out will be addressing the Nation’s hottest topics and current events related to Life and break down the hard issues in easy to digest episodes. No question will be left unasked, nothing is off limits. Now more than ever is the time to Speak Out.