Category: Planned Parenthood

30,000 Healthcare Professionals Say to Halt Abortion During Pandemic
Hayley Tschetter | March 24, 2020
Pro-life doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are calling on the government to halt abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. They are fighting back against the spin of the abortion industry that apparently, the answer to the COVID-19 crisis is more abortion. An email the President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the North Central States, Sarah Stoesz, sent out

Students in Washington Speak Out Against Pornographic Sex Ed
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
My name is Miles Wiley. I am a college student at Centralia College and President of the Students for Life group on my campus. I was able to be at the recent hearing about ESSB 5395, a comprehensive sex ed bill, at the Washington State Capital. I am adamantly against ESSB 5395 for many reasons. This bill forces school districts

NPR: Pro-Life Laws Are Effective In Abolishing Abortion
Brenna Lewis | March 12, 2020
An article posted today by NPR concedes that pro-life laws are effective in reducing and abolishing abortion. They write: “Missouri could soon become the first state in the nation without a clinic providing abortions, but Planned Parenthood officials say the last remaining one there has already all-but ceased performing the procedure. The clinic, Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St.

All Boys School Screens “Unplanned” to Audience of Over 100
Mary Briganti | March 3, 2020
Unplanned is reaching students all over the country and empowering students to take action in the Pro-Life Movement. Hundreds of Students for Life groups have hosted the film this school year on their campuses and thousands of students have been impacted by the powerful truth of Abby Johnson’s story.  — Including 100+ students in Wisconsin at one showing!  On January 16th, 2020, Marquette University High School screened Unplanned to an

Florida Students Tell Planned Parenthood: ‘We Don’t Want You In Our State’
Brenna Lewis | February 25, 2020
The pro-life movement is motivated by the desire to protect all human life from the moment of conception. We know that all human beings have inherent dignity and are worthy of protection. So when Florida students heard that Planned Parenthood wanted to open a new abortion facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida, they started organizing with other pro-life groups to

The State of the Pro-Life Movement: We’re Winning!
Caroline Wharton | January 23, 2020
President of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins, and former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson met to discuss the state of the Pro-Life Movement last night – just before the National Pro-Life March in Washington D.C, and in front of the Lincoln Memorial! During their live stream, that can be found here, they seek to answer one question: what

Stop Pretending ‘Scientists’ Are Always Ethical
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Out of the field of medical research this week comes two very different stories that highlight two very different approaches to ethics. In America, the Trump administration has imposed restrictions on research using fetal tissue. In Mexico, researchers are paying women to get pregnant then abort… for science, of course. Both of these stories deserve some unpacking. Fetal Tissue Research

Students for Life Group Witnesses a Baby SAVED in Washington
Brenna Lewis | January 17, 2020
This year, Students for Life of America started our TALK program through which we challenge students to reach over 250,000 conversations about abortion in the 2019-2020 school year. That’s 1 million minutes of conversations, changing hearts and minds! There are so many conversations a person can have about abortion and these conversations can introduce opportunities to help women and save lives.  Just

Planned Parenthood Announces $45 Million ‘Investment’ To Elect Pro-Abortion Candidates
Brenna Lewis | January 16, 2020
As pro-life President Donald Trump continues to rack up political victories that aid the pro-life movement, the abortion industry is preparing to elect more candidates who support unlimited abortions and who support forcing every taxpayer to fund abortions. NBC News reports, “Planned Parenthood will spend $45 million to support candidates in favor of abortion rights, the largest electoral program of

100 Women Were Sent to Hospitals by Abortion Facilities in 2019
Brenna Lewis | January 15, 2020
Abortion is touted by pro-choice proponents as a “simple and safe procedure.” We obviously know this is as false as it’s possible to be in the case of the children who do not survive their visit to the abortion facility. But what about the mothers who felt that abortion was their only option? As with any abortion statistic, one must