Category: Middle School

The Abortion Lobby Says I Should Have Been Aborted; Here’s Why I Fundamentally Disagree as an Adoptee
Caroline Wharton | November 29, 2023
GUEST POST: As we end National Adoption Month, I am living proof that adoption is always a better option than abortion — and I mean every time. The abortion lobby likes to counter statements like that with what-if circumstances, but my story proves each one wrong. Here’s what I mean: Pro-Abortion Lie #1: Adoptees are Better Off Dead Born in

VICTORY: New Study Shows 32,000 Lives Saved Post-Roe in States with Heartbeat or Better Protections
Caroline Wharton | November 28, 2023
Why do Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) insist on supporting strong legal protections of Heartbeat or Better for the preborn? Two words: they work. Don’t believe it? Consider the findings then of a newly released study which shows that more than 30,000 lives were saved after the reversal of Roe v. Wade in

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Ella Schumacher in the National Leaders Collective Makes Her Mark as an Ohio Pro-Life Leader
Caroline Wharton | November 27, 2023
GUEST POST: Students for Life of America (SFLA) is proud to accept amazing students like Ella Schumacher, a senior at Kalida High School, into our leadership programs through the National Leaders Collective (NLC). For the 2023-2024 school year, Schumacher will be a part of the Thaddeus Stevens Fellowship program, becoming an expert in high school pro-life leadership and leading her

FACT CHECK: Abortion Does Occur in the Second & Third Trimester
Caroline Wharton | November 21, 2023
Abortions in the second and third trimesters are a hotly debated topic, and the abortion lobby cannot even agree amongst themselves on what stance they’re taking on it (read: lying about it). Depending on which abortion supporter you find yourself in conversation with, you might be told the myth that abortions never occur later in pregnancy (fact check: they do)

The New “Gotcha” Question: What is the Definition of Late or Later-Term Abortion?
Kristi Hamrick | November 17, 2023
What is the definition of late or later-term abortion? Short answer: That’s not a definition SFLA or the pro-life movement needs to make, and those forcing the question generally have a radical abortion agenda. SFLA is fighting to protect all life in the womb and does not give more value to older lives versus younger lives. We are not advocating for abortion

As a 15-Week Pregnant Woman, Here’s Why the Majority of Americans and I Aren’t Satisfied with This Lackluster Limit
Caroline Wharton | November 17, 2023
The entire country watched “safe abortion messaging” fail recently with the 2023 election cycle, and as a first-time, expectant mother whose preborn baby has just hit three months in the womb, I have a couple tips for the political consultants who are to blame. These are the Washington D.C. political whisperers who have been working to make a compromise with the

Another Reason Pharmacies Should ‘Halt’ Selling Chemical Abortion Pills: Pharmacists’ Licenses & Consciences Are At Stake
Caroline Wharton | November 16, 2023
November is halfway gone, and that means we’re halfway through Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) HALT PHARMACY ABORTIONS Mobilization Month. From Washington state to New York, SFLA groups across the country have been demonstrating in front of their local pharmacies to tell them to stay out of the abortion business, and the protests just keep coming. While the Pro-Life

What’s Wrong With the Windy City? For Peace & Police Protection in Chicago, You Must Prey on Preborn Children
Caroline Wharton | November 15, 2023
Things can get wild in the Windy City. Homelessness and crime have greatly increased, and Chicago now ranks number 10 on the list of most murders per capita. What’s their city government doing about it? Increasing police protection — well, only if you’re an abortion vendor, that is. Apparently, if you want peace in this city, you’ve got to prey

LISTEN: How the Pro-Life Movement is Supporting Future Medical Professionals to Live out the Hippocratic Oath
Caroline Wharton | November 14, 2023
Our country is sorely in need of a boost in medical integrity. Doctors and nurses find themselves on the frontlines of many ethical debates as the predatory abortion industry (as well as those pushing euthanasia) put pressure on them to cheat on Hippocratic ideals. That’s why the pro-life movement has prioritized encouraging future medical professionals to always be life-affirming in

Physician Assisted Suicide Isn’t About Patient Care — It’s About Physician Laziness
Caroline Wharton | November 9, 2023
GUEST POST: Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is often euphemistically referred to as “medical aid in dying” (MAID) in attempts to soften the blow to what is really happening: the violation of the Hippocratic Oath. While the practice is limited to certain states, the American Medical Association is wrongfully looking to nationally normalize this practice among physicians and medical students alike.