Category: Closing Abortion Facilities

Seriously? Abortion Supporter Plots to Unplug Our Rally Speakers
Stephanie Stone | March 16, 2020
March 4th was a historic day for the pro-life movement. The hearing for June Medical Services v. Russo began at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), and pro-life advocates rallied together to show support for a Louisiana state law designed to protect women in Louisiana by requiring abortion facilities to be held to the same health & safety

NPR: Pro-Life Laws Are Effective In Abolishing Abortion
Brenna Lewis | March 12, 2020
An article posted today by NPR concedes that pro-life laws are effective in reducing and abolishing abortion. They write: “Missouri could soon become the first state in the nation without a clinic providing abortions, but Planned Parenthood officials say the last remaining one there has already all-but ceased performing the procedure. The clinic, Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St.

Pro-Life Generation Keeps Pressure On Port St. Lucie To Reject New Planned Parenthood Facility
Brenna Lewis | March 10, 2020
Students for Life, along with other pro-life groups in Florida, have continued to keep the pressure on the city of Port St. Lucie to reject a new Planned Parenthood facility. They continued that pressure last night, as more than 100 pro-lifers gathered outside of the city hall in Port St. Lucie to once again speak out against the new Planned

Pro-Choicers Yell “Hail Satan” And Obscenities At Peacefully Praying Pro-Lifers
Brenna Lewis | March 9, 2020
Fire Department, Police Department Called to Bellingham Planned Parenthood after Mysterious Liquid Thrown at Pro-Lifers defamed by Multiple Obscenities, Threats and Lewdness “Whatcom Students for Life bravely stood up against the threats of intimidation and the obscenities hurled at them by violent pro-choicers. Such violence is always tragic, but more and more commonplace, especially in a time in which the

Students for Life Joins Other Pro-Life Groups In Opposing New Planned Parenthood Facility In Florida
Brenna Lewis | March 9, 2020
“The pro-life generation knows the truth about Planned Parenthood and how their healthcare services continue to decrease while Planned Parenthood’s abortions increase and they continue to take in over $600 million a year in taxpayer-funding. We’re glad to support Florida pro-lifers in opposing this new facility,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (3-09-2020)– Students for Life in Florida

Spokane City Council Passes Ordinance To Silence Pro-Life Christians
Brenna Lewis | March 4, 2020
Spokane City Councilwoman Lori Kinnear got her wish: the city will now be empowered to use police officers to shut up the hundreds of pro-life Christians who regularly pray outside a local Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Recently, the Spokane City Council passed an ordinance allowing the police to cite the pro-lifers for ‘noise’ complaints. Kinnear previously had asked the police

Florida Students Tell Planned Parenthood: ‘We Don’t Want You In Our State’
Brenna Lewis | February 25, 2020
The pro-life movement is motivated by the desire to protect all human life from the moment of conception. We know that all human beings have inherent dignity and are worthy of protection. So when Florida students heard that Planned Parenthood wanted to open a new abortion facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida, they started organizing with other pro-life groups to

Alabama Pro-Life Students Help Stop Planned Parenthood From Opening
Brenna Lewis | January 9, 2020
Working with groups like CEC for Life, Students for Life activists in Alabama have helped keep a new Birmingham Planned Parenthood from opening. Katie Lodjic, the National Field Director for Students for Life Action commented, “Numerous pro-life students have volunteered their time and energy to stop the new abortion facility from opening up in their community. They have been actively