Abortion Hurts.
Does Abortion Empower Women?
Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to give up your dreams.
Real Women. Real Stories.
Kaya Jones, Grammy Award winning artist, describing her feelings after experiencing three abortions:
Jessica, mother, describing her experience of choosing life after having gone through abortion:
Toni McFadden, author, describing her experience after using Chemical Abortion pills:
Christine Yeargin, mother and Be Their Village founder, speaking about her joy after going through with an unplanned pregnancy alone:
Women are not being told the risks of abortion.
The medical community broadly recognizes these medical risks of abortion [1]:
- Heavy or persistent bleeding
- Premature birth of the child
- Infection or sepsis
- Damage to cervix
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Placenta previa
- Breast cancer
- Scarring of uterine lining
- Damage to other organs
- Death
Studies have shown that women who have abortions are 81% more likely to experience subsequent mental health problems [2,3]
- Suicide
- Regret
- Substance abuse
- Sense of loneliness or isolation
- Loss of self confidence
- Insomnia or nightmares
- Relationship issues
- Depression
(1) https://lozierinstitute.org/immediate-physical-complications-of-induced-abortion/
(2) https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-abortion-and-mental-health/
(3) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/abortion-and-mental-health-quantitative-synthesis-and-analysis-of-research-published-19952009/E8D556AAE1C1D2F0F8B060B28BEE6C3D
Do you think abortion is safe?
Women deserve to be informed about their choices.
Did you know that abortion can cause infertility?
Did you know that abortion can cause death?
Did you know that Chemical Abortions, which are the most
common form of abortion, are the deadliest for women?
Do you think abortion empowers women?
Discover more facts about abortion here.
Sign the Petition to Ensure Support for Mothers and Protect Preborn Life!
Stand in solidarity with Students for Life of America to support mothers in crisis and counter the damaging falsehoods spread by the abortion industry. It's time to debunk the myth that abortion offers a solution and emphasize that it only serves to deepen trauma and violence. Instead of endorsing the abortion industry’s harmful narrative, let's prioritize genuine support for women facing difficult circumstances. Mothers deserve better than the harmful effects of abortion, and we must help them feel informed and empowered to continue their pregnancy.
Take less than 30 seconds to fill out our form to help support mothers and save preborn lives.
Abortion hurts, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You are not alone!
For life-affirming pregnancy & parenting resources, visit StandingWithYou.org.
There is hope & healing after abortion: SupportAfterAbortion.com & RachelsVineyard.org.