Christian Schools Betray Biblical Values
Working to Kick Planned Parenthood Off Christian Campuses
Since 2019, Students for Life of America (SFLA)’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement has conducted research and rated 732 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties these Christian institutions have to the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood.
Christian schools should be working to promote life, support their pregnant students with non-violent resources, and combat the culture of death.
As part of this effort, our team identified 83 Christian colleges and universities with confirmed ties to Planned Parenthood, resulting in a letter grade that reflects how well the school upholds biblical values.
Grading Scale
Grade | Definition |
A+ | A school with zero infractions and a relationship with a local, life affirming Pregnancy Help Center. |
A | A school with zero infractions but no proof of relationship with a local, life-affirming Pregnancy Help Center. |
B | A school with one infraction. |
C | A school with two infractions. |
D | A school with three infractions. |
F | A school with four or more infractions. |
Key Findings in 2024
- Christian schools' support for abortion increased annually by 10% since 2022 in the wake of Roe's reversal.
- More than one in ten Christian schools maintained some type of relationship with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.
- Nearly half (42%) of the infractions overall were Christian schools referring students to Planned Parenthood as a "health resource."
- 12 Christian schools removed ties to the abortion industry after initial contact with our researchers in 2024. 54 total connections have been removed since the start of this project in 2021.
- 27 professors at Christian schools have been tied to previous employment at Planned Parenthood.
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* This report is updated as of September 2024 and will be updated annually to reflect changes some Christian colleges and universities make to their websites after each publication date.
To gauge a school’s relationship with Planned Parenthood from the perspective of a student, SFLA staff investigated the schools by reviewing each school’s website and contacting the school’s health center when warranted. Further insight into the school’s engagement with Planned Parenthood and nonviolent abortion alternatives (such as local pregnancy help organizations) was gleaned by interacting with the school’s Students for Life group and/or contacting school administrators directly.
As noted, our team located 83 Christian colleges and universities with confirmed ties to Planned Parenthood, resulting in a letter grade that reflects how well the school upholds biblical values. Some schools, upon being made aware of Planned Parenthood’s presence, removed them promptly. Our hope is that the schools that remain on our list will learn from this example and cut ties with the nation’s biggest seller of abortions… which clearly has no place within a Christian institution.
The types of Planned Parenthood relationships with Christian colleges and universities fell into the following categories, or infractions:
- Planned Parenthood is listed as an active internship opportunity for which students may receive credit
- Planned Parenthood is listed as a student resource
- Planned Parenthood events are advertised on campus or on the website
- Planned Parenthood is listed as volunteer opportunity
- Planned Parenthood has partnered with the university on at least 1 event in the past year
- Planned Parenthood is listed as a future career opportunity