Planned Parenthood's Sex "Services" Business
Planned Parenthood's New Business: Sex Alteration
As seen in this Kristan Hawkins op ed at The Federalist...
"Following the reversal of Roe v. Wade, states are passing stronger pro-life protections, and abortion businesses are shutting down. But it is worth noting that America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, is not going anywhere. Consider this: According to NPR, since the Dobbs v. Jackson decision in June, no Planned Parenthood locations have closed. Their evolving business still relates to sex, but not always in ways you might think.
Planned Parenthood has found something besides abortion to sell. Few people realize that, nationally, “Planned Parenthood is the second largest provider of hormone therapy” for “transgender and gender non-conforming patients,” it reports.
Even in states that have banned all or most abortions, Planned Parenthood affiliates are fighting to stay open under the banner of “gender-affirming care.” A term unheard of by most people as recently as a few months ago, “gender-affirming care” has become the umbrella term for addressing gender dysphoria, especially in children and young teens, through surgery, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones. It is better thought of as profitable, appearance-altering, experimental protocols, with very little oversight or regulation, though sometimes it is funded by taxpayers.
[...] Planned Parenthood has an abysmal record of protecting children. As a high-volume abortion chain, Planned Parenthood has a documented history of returning underage girls to the arms of their abusers, failing to report abuse, and cooperating with sex traffickers. Turning Planned Parenthood clinics into hormone dispensaries for vulnerable young people is shockingly negligent, and it brags that “Most people are able to get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us.”
It is hard to know how widespread wrong-sex hormone therapy is at Planned Parenthood or how much the abortion chain profits from its new business model. The nation’s number one abortion vendor has yet to release its annual report for 2021, and considering that it stayed open during Covid and got taxpayer dollars tied to the pandemic, a fat bottom line seems pretty certain.
[...] Even activists who identify as transgender are sounding the alarm on the way gender issues are addressed with children. [...] How is this sensitive issue addressed at Planned Parenthood? A whistleblower came forward with her concerns after seeing countless young girls in her small community come through Planned Parenthood’s doors for wrong-sex hormone therapy. According to the whistleblower, this took place without a licensed counselor, without informed consent, and without a doctor on the premises. Groups of girls would come in giggling and be quickly green-lighted for testosterone without reading the paperwork of potential complications."Planned Parenthood's Pornographic Sex Ed
As seen in this Kristan Hawkins op ed at The Daily Wire...
"Planned Parenthood is in hot water after comments surfaced revealing that they support sexualizing young children. The remarks came from Bill Taverner, director of Planned Parenthood’s Center for Sex Education. In 2015 he said children and adults with intellectual disabilities are “sexual beings” from birth.
Earlier, he advocated ‘porn literacy’ for children as young as kindergarten.
Fox News recently published Taverner’s comments in which he stated, “[We have] in our society, an assumption of asexuality of people with intellectual disabilities. It’s a myth that’s perpetuated, and really we are all sexual beings from birth until death.” Describing children as “sexual beings from birth” is not how most people would talk about children and reveals a pederastic and pedophilic worldview that most people rightly find disturbing.
[...] In 2012, Taverner claimed, “There’s access to erotica, pornography. That was very different for young people 30 years ago. It’s certainly not as accessible, certainly not as instantaneous. So there’s a lot of information that is useful.” [...] We don’t have to wonder why Planned Parenthood’s top executives find it useful, though. Their website states that the abortion business is “the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.2 million people with education and outreach each year.”That is a large, captive audience of children as young as five for Planned Parenthood to sexualize with inappropriate material. And that is exactly what they are doing in schools already.
[...] That’s just part of Planned Parenthood’s business model, though. The abortion business wants children to act out and exhibit behavior far beyond their maturity. And if, as they get older, they find themselves in a difficult situation, even pregnant, where are they going to turn? Planned Parenthood, of course, where they will become paying customers, and perhaps end their children’s lives."Further Reading...
Planned Parenthood is targeting your kids.
Abortion, sterilization, puberty blockers, and “safe sex” (aka STDs) are being marketed to minors by America's abortion giant.
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