"We Chose Life" Webcast
Students for Life Invites Media, Congress, and Voters to Hear the Other Side of the Kate Cox Story: Life-Affirming Choices For the Hard Cases
Tuesday, March 5th at 2:00pm ET

On Tuesday, March 5th, guests on the "WE CHOSE LIFE" Webcast will share stories often untold when it comes to hard cases like the one Kate Cox has shared nationwide, set to be featured during President Biden’s State of the Union address.
Though her life was not in danger, Cox sought an abortion in Texas when her child was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and eventually left the state to have an abortion. Since then, Cox’ story has been used to demand expanded abortion policies without any discussion of what a life-affirming choice or life-affirming medical care could look like. On this webcast, you will hear THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY.
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“Parents like me need to talk about what choosing life looks like.”
SFLA President Kristan Hawkins observed that confronting the pressure to abort when facing a fetal diagnosis can be overwhelming, as she knows from personal experience as her own family was growing and two of her four children were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. “Parents like me need to talk about what choosing life looks like,” she said. “The Pro-Life Generation rejects prejudice against people based on age, sex, race, stage of development, parental income, perceptions of abilities, or the events of conception. We reject shaming people for things out of their control. We reject the assumption that an early death by abortion is the only choice, and to counter that pressure, we need to tell life-affirming stories.”
You'll Hear From...

Kristan Hawkins
CEO, Pro-Life Generation
Kristan is an outspoken advocate against discriminatory abortions, as two of her children have cystic fibrosis, a diagnosis which has an almost 95% abortion rate. Read more on her story at USA TODAY.

Dr. Ingrid Skop
Dr. Skop is the Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, and an Obstetrician-Gynecologist with more than 30 years’ experience.

Beverly Jacobson
Founder, Verity's Village
Beverly founded Verity’s Village, a nationwide initiative to support Trisomy 18 parents, & whose daughter Verity, continues to bring joy to the family. Read more here.

Kathryn Kerr
NICU Nurse
Kathryn is a registered neonatal (NICU) nurse, whose daughter, Indiana, was also diagnosed with Trisomy 18. She serves as a care coordinator at Verity’s Village in her child’s honor. Read more here.

Rick Santorum
Former Presidential Candidate
Mr. Santorum is a well-known advocate for mothers and their children – born and preborn - & whose daughter Bella defied the odds as her own Trisomy 18 condition did not stop her. Read more here.

Ryan Bomberger
Founder, Radiance Foundation
Ryan's story began when he was conceived in rape, but it certainly didn’t end there as his mom courageously chose life. Listen to Ryan's story on an episode of Explicitly Pro-Life.
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