
Our ultimate goal is to build up strong leaders in the Pro-Life Movement who will go out on their campuses and in their communities to save lives and change culture. Part of our Called initiative is to promote our community outreach initiatives.
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Spread the word about Called. It is imperative that the Pro-Life Movement work together to save lives and change hearts!

Students for Life of America is dedicated just like many Churches and Dioceses are to stepping into the gap for mom's and their preborn children. Over ten years ago, Students for Life of America launched our Standing With You initiative. This initiative is dedicated to maintaining a database of local and national resources for women, fighting discrimination of women on campus and in the workplace, and supporting local pregnancy help organizations. Standing With You offers students, community members, and churches the ability and resources to advocate for women in need.

The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities exists to directly reduce abortions in our communities by serving women, promoting non-violent resources, reaching out to our neighbors, and changing hearts and minds. This initiative is focused on building community coalitions of churches, pregnancy help organizations, and pro-life groups.

1000 Winchester Street, Suite 301
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 834-4600
Copyright © 2022 Students for Life of America