see me develop

See Me Now at fertilization.
“Although I am small, I am human. I am a girl, and my hair, eye, and skin color are determined. I need time to grow, but I am very much my own person. I have a future that will be full of love, good and bad times, goals, dreams, and opportunity. I am distinct from my mama but very much dependent on her love to grow. I am starting my life just like every other unique, irreplaceable person in the world: as a growing, living human being from the moment of fertilization. See Me Now at fertilization as a human who deserves love, protection, and time to grow.”

See Me Now at implantation.
"After implanting in the lining of the uterus, I will continue to develop and grow! My implantation signals to my mom's body to start producing hormones that help me grow, and I'm nourished in these early days by the uterine lining. See Me Now as a unique human being who deserves love."

See Me Now at 21 days.
"At 21 days (about 3 weeks), my heart is beating! Often, I am referred to as a clump of cells, however, there is no denying I am alive. In fact, 96% of biologists agree I've been alive from the moment of fertilization. See Me Now as a member of the human race."

See Me Now at 4 weeks.
"It's an exciting week! My arms and legs are beginning as small buds, all of the sections of my brain are starting to differentiate, the foundations of bones are coming together, and my heart continues to beat (very quickly, I might add). See Me Now as a person who deserves to be loved.

See Me Now at 6 weeks.
"My eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are forming, and my limb buds are now stretched out into arms and legs with fingers and toes. My heart is beating twice as fast as my mom's heart! See Me Now as someone with value."

See Me Now at 7 weeks.
"My brain and sight are developing quickly. I may have more growing to do, but I am a unique human. See Me Now as a person."

See Me Now at 9-10 weeks.
"I can touch my face, stretch out, swallow, grab, and suck my thumb. See Me Now as someone worthy of love, not starvation."
The FDA approves the use of Chemical Abortion up until 10 weeks. During a Chemical Abortion, the baby is starved with a first drug (mifepristone) and expelled from the womb with a second drug (misoprostol). Women are sent home, alone, to expel their baby in the toilet, who may or may not have been killed by the first pill. At least 24 women have died from this form of abortion in the U.S. Women and preborn humans deserve so much better.

See Me Now at 12 weeks.
"By the end of the first trimester, I have complex features like eyelids, nails, and tooth buds. My organ systems have been formed for a few weeks now and they are hard at work to get me ready for the outside world. There's also evidence that I'm capable of feeling pain at this stage. See Me Now as someone to protect, not suction."
An abortion at this stage of development or younger involves an aspiration machine that has 30x the suction power as a household vacuum. The abortionist suctions the small, fragile baby into a collection jar and scrapes the walls of the uterus with a curved knife called a curette to make sure no body parts or tissue (like placenta or umbilical cord) are left behind, which has been known to happen and causes dangerous infections. To that end, abortion facility staff 'reassemble' the baby in a back room for added assurance that no parts were left. No human deserves to be suctioned and pieced back together in a lab tray.

See Me Now at 16 weeks.
"At 16 weeks, I am sensitive to touch, and I have been practicing using my vocal chords. I likely have some hair, my bones are hardening, and my mom can likely feel me move. See Me Now as I deserve to be respected, not dismembered."
An abortion at this stage of development or younger involves manual dismemberment, as the baby is now too large for a suction catheter. The abortionists dilates the cervix to gain access to the uterus, inserts serrated forceps, feels around for something to grab, and yanks body parts off the baby until only the head remains, which is usually large enough that it needs to be crushed to be removed. A sharp looped knife (curette) scrapes the walls of the uterus to ensure nothing remains. No human deserves to be torn apart.

See Me Now at 19-21 weeks.
"At 21 weeks, I am viable and can definitely feel pain. I am ready to meet mom and just need some more time to grow. See Me Now as someone to cherish."
The age of viability changes with advancements in medicine. Today, the youngest baby to survive premature birth was born at 21 weeks and one day. Thus, about 21 weeks can be considered the age of viability, that is, babies are viable with medical support.
Unjustly, there are no federal protections for babies who survive failed abortions and are born alive at any age. It is legal in America to refuse care and leave them to die.

See Me Now at 27 weeks.
"At 27 weeks, I can hear my mom's voice, taste, see light, and smell. See Me Now as a baby who wants to be held by my mama."
Often, moms are pressured to abort late-term by their physicians if there's a suspected adverse prenatal diagnosis. What they often aren't told is that today's prenatal tests are wrong anywhere from 50-80% of the time. However, in America, a mother can have an abortion up to the point of birth even if the baby is totally healthy. Abortionists treat preborn humans as diseases to be eradicated.

See Me Now at 38 weeks.
"At 38 weeks, I'm considered truly full-term and all I'm doing in this final time leading up until birth is putting on a bit more baby fat. If I was born now, it's unlikely I would need any medical assistance. See Me Now as someone to snuggle, not poison."
Late-term abortions take up to 3-5 days. In these abortions, the baby is poisoned with digoxin which is injected directly into his/her heart. Digoxin causes a cardiac arrest (heart attack). The abortionist then dilates the mother's cervix, which is a long process, given the baby is so large. The abortionist administers another lethal dose of digoxin to ensure the baby's heart (which started beating at 21 days) has stopped. The mother is then given Misoprostol which will cause her to deliver a stillborn baby.

See Me Now at birth.
"See Me Now as I meet my parents. I have known them for so long, and now I finally get to see their faces."
"See Me Now as I meet my little girl outside my womb. This journey was not easy. There were moments of darkness, fear, and doubt. Holding my baby has made my decision worth every hardship."