As American politics swirls with abortion debates left and right this election season, a recent The Economist article profiling Satanists wanting “abortion access” as a religious right serves as a ghastly reminder to all Americans: it’s best not to hold the same beliefs as Satanists.

Remember when Satanists started the “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” in New Mexico? Well, their abortion vendor, named as a mockery of pro-life leaning Justice Samuel Alito, is also a provider of Chemical Abortion Pills to local and out-of-state women. It doesn’t take a religious compass to feel uncomfortable with Satanists providing abortion drugs.
But wait, Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic gets even worse. Before women receive the deadly drugs from their business, they are required to recite from the Satanic Temple tenets. They must recite “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” and a personal affirmation: “By my body, my blood. By my will, it is done.” This twisting of sacred Scripture points to a dark truth.

Abortion isn’t healthcare. It is the intentional killing of a preborn child, something that Satanists celebrate. So, if Satanists celebrate death, any reasonable, morally sound person would flee from them and celebrate the exact opposite: life.
The evil of abortion is intrinsically wrapped in what Satanists believe and what they deem “right.” According to the Harvard Law Bill of Health article posted in February of 2024, the Satanic Temple (TST) has filed lawsuits in multiple states challenging their abortion restrictions. Their main route of distributing Chemical Abortion Pills is currently telehealth. The problem with this is that women cannot be properly screened for complications or ectopic pregnancies, and distributing pills via telehealth is also a harmful way these pills can get into the hands of abusers since many of these sites don’t properly check identification.
Religious freedom is important, and thankfully, it’s a constitutional right. However, satanism is not a religion. The “Satanic Temple” and this movement were created by a Harvard graduate named Doug. He is no god; he is just a man who hates Christianity. According to The Economist, his whole fascination with satanism was because of his 1980s “Satanic Panic” and his love for the game Dungeons and Dragons.
Doug, the founder of the Satanic Temple stated that Satanism is more of a “personal declaration of independence from superstition.” It also speaks of how over time, his suspicion of organized religion turned to hatred. After digging more into Doug’s reasons for founding the Satanic church it begins to increasingly sound like he did it out of spite for Christianity rather than a true belief in Satan.

Religions are based on God or a belief in a higher power, however, the only thing the Satanic Temple seems to believe in is keeping the killing of preborn children legal, “worshiping” Satan to spite Christians, tearing down Christian monuments, and selling their “Hail Satan” merchandise. Regardless, since a child is indeed a living human being, they should be protected under the law. Religious freedom in America doesn’t extend to killing creeds. For example, if there was a religion in America that required the death of small children outside of the womb, our government wouldn’t stand for it, and there would be consequences. So is the same with preborn children. Just because Satanists claim it as a part of their “religion” doesn’t make it permissible. Hiding behind the definition of religion or twisting religion to kill preborn children is evil.
Ron DeSantis (R. Gov. FL.) said it right that “Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a religion.”
This November, don’t follow in the footsteps of Satanists and vote pro-abortion. If anything, this should be an indicator of the wickedness of abortion and the evil crowd that it attracts.
READ NEXT: Pro-Life Win: Life-or-Death Tug of War for Preborn Life in Georgia
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