GUEST POST: Each semester, the Pro-Life Generation participates in National Pro-Life Chalk Day; a day in which life-affirming messages and designs are chalked around school campuses and communities nationwide. To make this day of creative pro-life activism even more fun, Students for Life of America (SFLA) picks our top ten winners — and as always, it was so difficult to choose this Spring 2023 semester. Our students’ submissions were top-notch, but we managed to pick our favorites.
Now, it’s your turn. Vote below on which of these ten submissions — put in no particular order— are your top three favorite chalk drawings.
#1 Butler University Bulldogs for Life
At Butler University, the Bulldogs for Life depicted a preborn human with a vivid array of colors. They included a hashtag — “#forthebabies” — and the important message that “Preborn Lives Matter.”

#2 Calhoun Community College
Pro-life students at Calhoun Community College got right to the point, making humorous use out of a nearby trashcan. They indicated wittily that preborn humans are NOT trash — they are our treasure.

#3 Homeschoolers 4 Life
Chemical Abortion Pills are one of the abortion industry’s biggest moneymakers in this Post-Roe America. Homeschoolers 4 Life decided to expose the truth about these life-ending pills, pointing out that this deadly regimen of drugs ends the life of a preborn human being. Learn more about the harms of Chemical Abortion Pills here.

#4 Bowling Green State University
At this school, one of the pro-life students designed an image of a pregnant woman surrounded by hearts. This image reminds us that in the pro-life movement, we truly ‘love them both’ by offering women and their preborn children the support they deserve.

#5: New Mexico State University Students for Life
Speaking of florals, some students from New Mexico State University Students for Life designed a stunning portrait of a mother holding her baby, surrounded by various flowers. Different fetal development facts are also around the flowers, highlighting important milestones of human life that occur within the womb. The banners above and below the portrait read “Love Them Both” — an important reminder — and “StandingWithYou.org,” SFLA’s support network for pregnant and parenting students.

#6: Ohio University Bobcats for Life
At Ohio University, the Bobcats for Life opted for geometric elements surrounding a preborn human within a heart. Look closely to see the heart inside of the child, which indicates a powerful reminder that abortion often stops a beating heart. Check out their work below:

#7: Sacred Heart Academy Pro-Life Club (Michigan)
Coming back to the harms of Chemical Abortion Pills, the Sacred Heart Academy Pro-Life Club reminds us that the so-called “healthcare” of abortion drugs is NOT healthcare since as it kills innocent humans every day. The group made a powerful display, located right by an entrance to their school. The Pro-Life Generation certainly knows the importance of making themselves heard as a voice for the voiceless!

#8: Students for Life of Puerto Rico
This SFLA group — our first and only group within the United States territory of Puerto Rico — ventured out around their campus to make multiple meaningful chalk messages. They gathered for a group picture around a key message within the pro-life movement: “Los Derechos de la Mujer Comienzan en el Vientre” (which means in English “Women’s Rights Begin in the Womb”). Check out their art below:

#9: University of Montana
At the University of Montana, the campus SFLA group opted to go whimsical and use a Dr. Seuss quote to remind their classmates that inside or outside the womb, your life is still valuable. Check out their life-affirming art below:

#10: University of North Florida Pro-Life Club
At this school, pro-life students depicted a preborn child in a heart-shaped womb, surrounded by supportive hands. Onlookers were reminded of the support that the pro-life movement is willing to offer mothers in need, assuring them that they can “lend a hand” (see what we did there?).

Vote below on which of these ten submissions are your top three favorite chalk drawings/messages!
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